Bitcoin Babe 1 Bitcoin Eye 2 Bitcoin Eye Jack Nicholson Letting Go Eyez1 Azareuskikker2 Azareuskikker1 La Passion Du Vrai Cerberus2 Cerberus Somewhere in time Dazzled by knowledge Code Blue Code Red Emptyness Inside Victim of the world in my head Color Behind Eyez4 Color Behind Eyez3 Color Behind Eyez2 Color Behind Eyez1 Beauty in Disguise4 Beauty in Disguise3 Beauty in Disguise2 Beauty in Disguise1 Beacons in Time2 Beacons in Time QAP4 QAP3 QAP2 QAP1 Shadow Side Meisje met de Stier Confusion Time will Tell Now Cur2 Cur1 Windows and Mirrors4 Windows and Mirrors3 Windows and Mirrors2 Windows and Mirrors1 The Orphic Egg Eureka Secretum Secreto Occulta Restless2 Restless1

Bitcoin Babe 1

Bitcoin Eye is one of the special created artworks from the Bitcoin-series by the Dutch artist Philip De Rooij. His fascination for the digital world and Cryptocurrency and it's potential, gave him the inspiration to make a series of handmade paintings which are ode to Cryptocurrencies. Besides his highly collectable oil paintings and sculptures, there are now also available NFT's.


Jaar 2021
Materialen Acrylverf op karton
Afmeting 62 cm x 80 cm
Editie Uniek
Catagorie Treasures of Paintings

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